Monday, January 7, 2013

Christmas 2012

Brett and I decided back in October that traveling home for Christmas wouldn't be an option this year. As soon as we made the decision, I knew I wanted to deck our house out and make this a memorable Christmas. It was a really way special to spend our first married Christmas :)

Between the two of us, we didn't really have any Christmas decorations. I spent a lot of time making things and searching for good deals. The biggest argument we had was whether to have a real or fake tree. For me, picking out the perfect real tree is a Christmas tradition. I just wasn't ready to let that go...maybe Brett will win next year. (maybe..)
Bringing in the tree- it was huge!
Stringing popcorn was a two day event.

Brett helped me make the sign from an old palette 
Christmas Eve we spent hanging out at the house. Our landlords (who we love) came by for a bit and dropped off a gift. They engraved a glass ornament with "The Gordon's First Christmas 2012". It was so sweet. We made a big brunch and planned to go to a candlelight service, but we got snowed in! We took a long walk in the snow and came home to hot apple cider (spiked) and listened to Christmas music while dancing around the living room. 

Christmas morning we woke up and opened all our presents. We were so spoiled by our families! I got Brett an xbox 360. I should have bought a second tv to go with it- he wants to play all the time! He got me a kinect and a dance central game along with some sewing tools and the first two seasons of Downton Abbey (YESSS!). I also got Brett two nerf guns and a war broke out between us for the next 45 minutes. Now when I least expect I'll get hit by a nerf dart- it's pretty hilarious.  

I think Brett's favorite gift was the honey-baked ham that my Aunt and Uncle sent us. We had the best Christmas dinner and enough leftovers to last us weeks! Brett said, "I think the ham was my favorite Christmas gift...'That's the gift that keeps on giving, Clark.'".  

It was a wonderful Christmas! I was spoiled to have Brett at home and all to myself for 4 days. Hopefully in the future we can have more family around on Christmas, but I know we will always remember the Christmas we shared with just the two of us. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Colonel Denning State Park

When you live in the middle of downtown in a house on a busy road where you can reach out of your bedroom window and touch your neighbor's house...sometimes you just need to get out of town. Brett and I took our first camping trip here in PA. We planned it around a randomly warm Saturday, but the nights were cold! We drove about an hour to our site, and then realized we would be the only tent in the camping area. Everyone else was cozy in their heated campers. We did make friends with the retirees next to us (and their puppy!). 
Our campsite was gorgeous! It was next to a little creek. We stayed for two nights so we spent a a lot of time when we first arrived setting everything up. 

crazy wild man...

we were warned about bears in the area...


The first night we grilled hot dogs, listened to music, and talked by the fire late into the night. It was perfect!

We woke up the next morning and made eggs and breakfast potatoes over the fire. Then while Brett made a few phone calls, I went on a little hike and took some nerdy "biologist" photos.

it was chilly...poor boy :)

nature center


When I got back to the camp site, Brett and I thought we would go on another "quick" hike. We heard there was a really awesome overlook at the end of the one of the trails. So off we went!....without having eaten lunch, no water, no snacks, and Brett was in work boots. The first 30 min into the hike was exhausting, but we kept saying "I'm sure it will flatten out soon". Then we started seeing people coming back down the mountain with backpacks and hiking poles....not a good sign. Brett was okay with turning around, but I was SURE it wouldn't be much farther. I was so wrong. We reached what we thought was the "top" and realized we were only halfway! At this point we really needed water and food, so we had to turn back. Next time we go we will be sure to be more prepared. Turns out it was a 3 mile hike to the lookout point with a few thousand miles change in elevation. Oh well, it was fun anyways! 

The rest of the night was spent relaxing by the fire, grilling some great food, and making smores! It was an awesome weekend, and I can't wait to check out some other parks in the area. 

The Gordon's come to town!

This post is way overdue: in October, Brett's parents came to visit. It was such a fun time! It was so nice to have family around. We had a lot of big plans as to what all we wanted to do while they were in town, but once they were here we mostly wanted to just be hanging out at the house together! We did go out on a few adventures...Get ready for picture overload.

We first took a trip to Amish country. We drove past many beautiful farms and lots of horse and buggies. 


The next day we went to Gettysburg. Brett and I had driven around the park a few times but had never been to the museum. It was amazing! I'm so glad we went. We bought tickets to the film and the cyclorama (both brought me to tears). The cyclorama is a huge 360 degree painting of the battle. It was originally completed in 1883. They have a presentation you listen to while they spotlight parts of the painting. If you go to Gettysburg, pay to see it! 

Brett also gave everyone a little tour of his office and the equipment his farmers use. 

Linda and I also did a lot of antiquing- so fun! We had a blast. We both picked up some good finds. At the end of their visit, it was really hard to say goodbye. We miss getting to see our family whenever we want, but   it was exciting to get to show them our life and home here in Hanover. Can't wait until we all get to be together again :)