Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Home is wherever I'm with you

I am back in PA! After finishing my thesis, I spent a few days relaxing with my family in Little Rock and my family in Pleasant Plains before catching a flight to see my man!! The trip was a little dramatic with my first flight being canceled and not having my bags for two days, but I was so happy to be with Brett that it didn't even matter.

We've spent the last two weeks doing little projects around the house, laughing, cooking, and playing music. I've also been riding along with Brett as he checks out the green bean fields. I have learned more than anyone could ever want to know about green bean harvesting, but it has been fun seeing what his job is all about!

Some pictures from the last few days:

Brett got a grill for part of his birthday present and he built a table for our porch!

We grilled chicken: lemon, paprika, rosemary, and olive oil.

Brett's mom made a similar salad when I visited and I had been craving it ever since so I made up a version of my own! Yum!

Keeping it real.

I think he likes having someone to cook for him...
We did have a little bit of drama. Shortly after this:

I ended up in the emergency room due to an allergic reaction (from the cedar boards we grilled fish on)! My tongue started swelling and my throat felt like it was closing up and I couldn't breathe. I have never experienced anything like that...I think Brett and I were both pretty freaked out. But after a large dose of meds (I was falling asleep in the hospital bed less than 5 min after they gave it to me), I was feeling good as new!

I've also made a new friend! :) She's our neighborhood cat that we sometimes let hang out with us (shh don't tell the landlord). We're pretty sure she has an owner due to her flea collar, but she is skinny so we've fed her tuna and chicken. 

It is hard to take her picture...she is really active

I'm sure you (by "you" I mean my mom and maybe one other person who reads this) are overloaded with pictures now so I'll stop for today. On the agenda for the next week: follow up some leads for teaching/research positions at a local college, start work on the produce farm, and spend time at the lake with Brett!  

It is so nice being home and back with Brett! I am one happy girl!!

1 comment:

  1. mer!! cedar?! what in the world haha. i love you and miss you so!
