Monday, November 28, 2011

Moving on Up.

To the East side...of the US, that is! That's right the "future" Gordons are moving to Pennsylvania. You might remember my post about Brett's trip to PA to interview with Hanover Foods, if not, read it here. Even though his traveling wasn't ideal, apparently the interview was. As hard as it will be to leave good ol' Arkansas, it is a great opportunity for us! I'm so proud of Brett, and I think he will really enjoy his job. Hanover Foods is a large vegetable/snack food corporation. Brett will be overseeing their green bean production. In other words, he will be the connection between the farmers/farming and the company. 

Brett will have business cards with this little Amish boy on them. I'll be sure to send some in the mail :)

Even though we have discussed the move with family and friends, it really didn't feel real until this past week. Probably because I kept announcing things like "Well this is my last Thanksgiving while living in Arkansas" and "Mom, this is our last Thanksgiving as a family of four". It's also no surprise that my mom cried after both of those announcements. My feelings about moving are so strange. Some days I'm so excited and can't wait for a new adventure and then others I feel very overwhelmed and scared, but I guess that is natural! *praying for peace!

So that you too can picture where we'll be, here is a map of our new home:

We will be very close to Baltimore, Annapolis, D.C., Philadelphia, and NYC! Those are the things I am getting excited about. I can't wait for Brett and I to take weekend trips to all these places. And for all my friends to come visit so I can travel with them too- hint, hint.

We are still in the process of figuring out moving dates (hopefully we won't have to be apart for too many weeks) and where to live, but for now I'm content with shopping for new furniture for our future home and spending as much time as possible with my loved ones here.

1 comment:

  1. omg. PENNSYLVANIA!!! so exciting! I'm going to NYC next summer so we should meet up :) or I should plan another trip for PA
    and beyond l!
